I've felt very absent from my blog lately, and I think it's been my life getting in the way. Dang life! It's really going good for the most part, but it's been very very busy. More busy than I would like really. I'm starting to get really tired.
Firstly, Hubs had an MRI. His results are a combo of tendinitis and a bruised bone. Obviously the bruised bone is extremely painful. He's also been approved by workman's comp. for additional neurological testing. So far the only recommendation for treatment for his known issue is time. No chiropractic, no physical therapy... nada. It's really hard for me to do nothing, because it feels like no progress is being made. In the meantime I'm pretty much taking care of all the things he can't do, and falling behind on a lot of the things I'd like to do. Such as blogging. Or returning phone calls. Or cooking normal healthy meals. I think we've had take out 4 times this past week... something I really hate doing. Why? Because I hadn't found the time to grocery shop this past week until last night at 8:30pm when I just couldn't take it any more.
Despite this I've made a lot of progress in my yard/garden. Until this spring our yard was completely bare. We had the essencial land scaping done 3 years ago, but at the time cash was short and we decided not to do any plantings. Well, then I got prego with the girls and was sick for the first 17 weeks, and by the time spring came along I was rushing around trying to get ready for new babies... planting plants in my yard sort of fell to the wayside... and I'm just now getting to it. I must say, I'm HOOKED!!! I never ever thought I would get so excited about gardening! Remember... I was the kid who would BEG her parents to clean toilets rather than do yard work. But now? I'm going to plant sales with my parents and the girls, and while dad wheels the girls around in their stroller mom and I look at plants. And frankly, I'm going a little crazy with the purchases. But I have good reason... I have 1/3 of an acre with NO plants! This situation has to be fixed NOW! So yes, I'm creating a lot of work for myself... but I'm having a lot of fun getting creative and coming up with ideas, and then finding the plants and putting them in the ground and imagining what they will look like when they mature. In essence, I'm having a blast!
Yesterday we went to just such a plant sale, we only covered maybe 1/3 of the things they had there. I came home with my 4th and final tomato plant, a yellow pear shaped variety, a dwarf clematis which is a ground cover rather than a vine... how cool!, 2 mid-season blueberry bushes, a lilac tree for $2, and several other types of ground covers and perennials. Plus once we got back to my parent's house me and dad went up to the nursery at the end of their road and I bought 2 Japanese maples and 5 coral bark maples! Which completed my tree purchases! Now we just have to figure out how to get them from point A to point B. We have a truck, but with Hubs and his injured shoulder we're not sure how we're going to load and unload...
The girls are doin' great! They had their first Early Intervention teaching session on Tuesday. Their teacher plus the education coordinator was there and they both were very charmed by the girls and afterwords said that it was a VERY productive first visit! The teacher will come once a week, and the coordinator and speech therapist will come once a month. I really like the teacher a lot! She's super sweet and accommodating. She told me that if I ever needed to cancel, even if she was on my doorstep, that it was OK! Plus she was very encouraging. She said that she's currently working with another set of twins who are 6 months older than the girls. She started working with them when they were about the same age as Anya & Ziva, had no words, and now they're talking in 3 word sentences. So I'm very encouraged and I'm looking forward to our next "class".
Oh, and I DID get around to baking cookies for the SITS auction, I'm planning to send them out tomorrow. Just in case you were one of the winners... they are on the way! And they turned out AWESOME this time! I'm really having a lot of fun with this little cookie ministry of mine! And I hope you are too. :)))
And I have a pretty serious prayer request. My dad is going in for surgery on Thursday to have his prostate removed. He was diagnosed several months ago with stage 3 prostate cancer. The good news is that this type of cancer is VERY survivable. Once this surgery is done that should pretty much be the end of it. The main concern really is my dad's mental state. When I saw him yesterday he was very quiet and contemplative, and my mom said that he's been really stressed out this past week and anxious... except keeping it all to himself in normal dad fashion. So pray for him! And for my mom too. And really, for all of us who know and love my dad. He's an awesome guy, great dad, and fantastic grandpa. :)
This coming week doesn't look like it's slowing down at all for me. My plan is to share a new recipe for Mystery Spice Monday PLUS pick a new cookie winner, do a little Way Back fun on Wednesday, share my new necklace for Things I Love Thursday, and... that may be it for me this week. Perhaps more if the weather is as bad as they say it's going to be. :)
Caffeine, Anxiety, and Anhedonia
5 days ago
Thanks for the update. I hope everything goes well with your dad's surgery and your husband heals soon.
I'm going to have a yard soon and should plant some trees and flowers. I'm not looking forward to having an extra chore though
Granny's going to preach to you, so hang on to your hat.
Sometimes things happen that are beyond our control. During those times, it is of utmost importance to set priorities for yourself. You have too many things to worry about right now, and worry is really hard on your physical and mental health. You need to stay physically healthy and mentally strong for your babies, your husband and your father. I know blogging is important to you, and you are very important to us, your readers. But we shouldn't be a priority in your life at this time. Take care of yourself and your family, do the things that are most important in your life AT THIS MOMENT. Before you know it, everything will be back to normal, and your blogging friends will be ready and waiting for you to come back full force.
Now, as to your father. My brother-in-law went through the same thing about three or four years ago. We studied all the options, and he chose surgery. He has never regretted that decision. I'm sure your father will come through his surgery just fine...we're all praying for him.
Hang in there...we love you!
Sounds like you are staying pretty busy. Hope hubby recovers quickly. Your dad and family are in my thoughts.
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