For the Lord God is a sun and shield; the Lord bestows grace and favor and glory - honor, splendor and heavenly bliss! No good thing will He withhold from those who walk uprightly.

Psalms 84:11

Friday, March 20, 2009

The Ultimate Blog Party 2009!

Ultimate Blog Party 2009

Welcome fellow bloggers to the Ultimate Blog Party 2009! If you didn't find me via the party, then you should really go check it out! There are lots of networking opportunities and fun prizes to be won! We're supposed to say something about which prizes we'd like to win... but honestly, they're all so awesome I just can't decide! Truly, I'd be thrilled to win anything!

My name's Amy! Me and Hubs are proud parents of twin toddlers, Ziva & Anya.

So if you were coming to a REAL party at my house today, I'd have all these marvelous intentions of baking fantastic homemade delectable treats.... and then Hubs would answer the door, you'd notice the dust bunnies blowing across my floor and my kitchen sink full of dishes, and I'd be in the other room changing a poopy diaper. Sorry, but that's the reality folks!

Blogging and a couple local mom's groups are really what keep me sane and in touch with the outside world. I've only been blogging since January, but I've really jumped right in and so far I haven't missed a single day of writing something new about my life. There's ALWAYS new stuff to talk about with two growing toddlers in the house!

Plus I've taken on a culinary challenge for myself called Mystery Spice Monday! As part of the challenge I pick out something from my spice cabinet and aim to make a great meal for my family. It's kind of like those Food Network Challenges, except without the judges and the last second catastrophes while moving a five foot tall sugar sculpture to the judging table. Over on the right hand side you'll find a link to my alphabetical list of recipes, feel free to take a look and find something new and exciting to make for dinner next week. :)

Interested in how our life with twins came to be? Here's our Birth Story! Just don't look too closely at that pregnancy pic...

I also write about my wide variety of interests: Freezer Cooking, Gardening, Twins Topics, and of course, my dear Hubs. And every once in a while, I show my nerdy side.

Thanks so much for stopping by! Hopefully my messy house and screaming children didn't scare you off too much!

I LOVE comments, and I always respond in kind. Be sure to notice my very first Giveaway!


Brandi said...

Well normally she only gets up once through the night (cuz I don't consider 5 am to be in the night). So really I am not too sleep deprived, but I just wasn't sure if I should already be trying to get her on a schedule...or rather a routine. I want to do dinner, bath books and then bed, but reality is that sometimes she is ready for bed at 6:30 and its a struggle to keep her up, and other nights (the nights I look forward to some me time!) she is up til 9. So its hard to have a routine when your not sure when to start it. But with your comment and some others, I think I will start it a little later (3 or 4 months) instead of trying to get it all together right now.

And I love your party post! I am glad to know that I am not the only person with dirty dishes in the sink! :)

Have a great day!

Lisa C. said...

WOOOOOO HOOOO I always love being the first to arrive at a party... haha... Well, at least my girls will have babies to play with... :)

I'll definitely be back..

Anonymous said...

Honestly and truly yours was next on my list to click! Your name alone was enough to hook me in, seeing as I have an Amy myself! Such little cuties you have in Ziva and Anya! I love having two little girlies! And I post recipes too! So, yes, it would be wonderful to be bloggy buddies! We have so much going for us already having barely even met!

Anonymous said...

Stopping by from the UBP to say hello. Hope you have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

Well I feel a little bit awkward that I didn't come here for the big bloggy party. And that I was just stopping in as a Welcomista to give you a big welcome to the SITSahood! Does that still count?
I have to tell you that I adore the title of your blog! And the names of your cuteies! I have a single 2 year old son if you are interested. heehee
Welcome to the community and hope to see you around!

Corie said...

Happy Blog Party.

Thanks for stopping by my blog.

I really loved reading your birth story.
There is nothing like mommy-hood, is there?

TheAtticGirl said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog! I love your layout. It's amazing to me that you are a mom of twins and find the time to blog like this!

Enjoy the blog party!

Molly said...

Yeah, I guess I am taking life in the fast lane. :) Happy as can be! Thanks for stopping by my blog. There are so many amazing ones to see...including yours!!

jodifur said...

I'm party hopping! Hope to see you at my party!

Secret Mom Thoughts said...

I have dirty dishes in the sink too. Happy blog party week. Nice to me you. Hope you stop by my party too.

Tricia said...

Thanks for stopping by my place! I too have twins, mine are boys and are 5 years old. They keep me so very busy but I love them dearly!

Have fun at the party!

Unknown said...

Hi. Blog hopping via the Ultimate Blog Party. Have a blessed day.

Victoria Arya said...

Dropping inf from the UBP. Your girls are too cute and I love their names! Can I say I am just slightly jealous of the whole 2 for 1 deal LOL.

Intelligence said...

I'm party hopping and ran across your blog! I don't have kids but I do wash my own dishes if that counts :)

DeeDee said...

I am coming by from the party...
your babies are adorable.
This is my first blog party too....
such fun!
Sweet Blessings

Colette S said...

Nice to meet you!

Talk about a party!

I'm quite intrigued and am learning how to get around!

Just stopping by from 5minutes for moms blog party!

Le Bleu Bonnet Boutique said...

Thank you for visiting my blog. I cannot wait to try some of your recipes and visit some of your links. Your sweet baby girls are just gorgous!!! What a blessing!!!

Happy Blogging!!!

Lisa @ Crazy Adventures in Parenting said...

Hi!!! I'm so glad you stopped by! How much fun is this blog party thing!? Congrats on getting all that traffic for your giveaway, don't you love SITS?!

Can't wait to read more about you! :)

Allison said...

I'm stopping by from the UBP. It's great to "meet" you! I love your blog! It seems to have alot about things I'm interested in. I'll be back for sure! Have a great day!

Unknown said...

Hi, I was blog hopping but just had to stop at your party long enough to say "Hello"!! I went and read your birth story ... what precious girls !!!!!!!!! I am a young Mommy of a 2 yr. old and a 6 month old ... I'm not a blogger but I did just venture out and begin an online community ... ! If you ever have time I would love to have you come join and offer some "Mommy of Twin" advice ... and I'd love for you to post that birth story as well !!! :)

Have a great day!

Jennifer said...

Look at you with your cute little twin girls! I just left visiting a blog of a lady with twin boys! too cute!!

By the way I'm stoppin’ by from the UBP ’09 Block party! Nice party goin’ on up in here! Haha, I’m not a mom yet on 5mins4mom but I’m thinking about becoming one soon! I’m having a party at my place too if you get a chance to stop by! I hope I can pick your brain sometime! :)

Anonymous said...

Nice to meet you! Your kids have awesome names! Hope you have a great week! :)

Anonymous said...

Just dropping in from UBP! Have a great week partying!


Tim, Allyson, and kids said...

I'm stopping by from the UBP. Thanks for inviting me in and introducing yourself!

We'd love for you to stop by our blog and check out what's going on.

Find out how we've received over $175 in FREE Amazon gift cards in just 2 months. You can, too. (top left sidebar)

Happy Partying,

Cupcake Dessert said...

oh my!! i am so excited to read your recipes!!! your twins are adorable!! and i love the part about what would happen it we came to your house lol..

Anonymous said...

Hi Amy! So nice to meet you and your lovely family! Party hopping and participating too so stop in for a visit.

Carolyn G said...

Just making the rounds!! Happy UBP 09!

Anonymous said...

Hello! Poppin’ in from The Ultimate Blog Party…all the way from Queensland, Australia! G’Day! I hope you have time to visit my party soon.

I'm giving away Pink Champagne Shower Syrup from Jaqua Beauty...stop on over and enter! Ends April 8. Open to USA.


I want to invite you to the Mommie Daze Virtual Baby Shower that I am hosting May 15 to June 8. This is an international even and there are prizes! Stop by my blog for all the details.

Peggy said...

Hi there! Very cute girls:) We have twin toddlers too and I HAD to laugh at your glimpse of "reality". So true!! This party is so much fun! I can't look at thousands of blogs... but "twins" in your titel caught my eye:) Happy Blogging!

Anonymous said...

Wanted to stop in from the blog party to say Hi. Love your site. Your daughters are adorable, and I really love what you are doing with your site. We are a big fan of family cooking in my house. :) Keep up the good work!

If you have time, check out my site, we have lots of neat info. And have a lovely UBP '09!

~ Ashley

Hindu Baby Names
Indian Baby Names

Thao said...

I was blog hopping and saw that you have twins. I just had mine in Feb and I joined a MOM group, I love it.

Anonymous said...

Wow, twin girls! Oh my goodness! Sounds like you have a party going on at your house!

You're welcome to stop by my blog at I write about green living, faith, family, and other stuff.

Hope you enjoy the party!

StacieinAtlanta said...

Hey Amy-

I am just stopping in from The Ultimate Blog Party to say hello. Come by my place to enter to win a LeapFrog Tag Reading System and some books by pledging to read to your child everyday. You can also enter to win a pair of Girl's Crocs - Size 8/9. :)

The Divine Miss Mommy

Anonymous said...

I'm just blog-hopping from the UBP and wanted to stop by and say hello. Hope you're enjoying the party.

C Killingsworth said...

Enjoyed looking around your blog.. I've bookmarked it to come back after the party!! :)

TwinHappyJen said...

I know the party is technically over, but I caught it kind of late so I'm still saying hi to people! :-) I have twins, too! If you get a chance, check out my blog at

Nice to meet you! :-)

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