If you're looking for the Blog Party, see yesterday's post. It's still going on at 5 Minutes for Mom and they're giving away lots of fabulous prizes! Plus it's a great way to get to know a lot of other great bloggers!
Today is the last day to enter my little cookie giveaway! Info is up top. :)
Just thought I'd take a few minutes to share a few random things that happened in our family this past week, just in case my brain was too befuddled to include them in other posts.
1: This past weekend our dog Rocky proved that he really isn't as stupid and psycho as he looks. My parents were visiting, and my dad offered to let the dogs out. They both ran out the door, Rocky with the infamous ball in his mouth. Long ago we had a rule where the dogs weren't allowed to take their toys outside. So my dad turns to me and asks quietly, "Is it ok for him to take that ball outside?" And without another word Rocky turns around, jerks his head upwards, and spits the ball back into the house!
2: We went to a St. Patrick's Day party at the home of a lady from my local Mom's group. Not 10 minutes after we walked in the door and Ziva threw up! It's amazing how such an event and wreck havoc on your thought processes. I had no clue what to do besides clean up the mess. "Should I stay, should I go? Does she have that flu bug? How could she have gotten it since we seriously never go anywhere? Maybe she's car sick. Yup, that must be it. Man, I bet all these other mom's think I brought the plague to the party! How embarrassing! They probably all think I brought my sick kid to a party just so I would contaminate the rest of the group. Like toddler terrorism or something."
And on and on it went... Thank goodness most of these moms have more experience than I do in the puke department. I even learned something new! White vinegar cuts throw up smell! Who knew? Not me, because I've been fortunate enough to miss out on all stomach viruses so far *knock on wood*. Anyway, I know some of you ladies in the group read my blog, so THANK YOU so much for not treating me like an outcast at the party and for helping me out even though that meant risking getting your own family sick. Fortunately Ziva hasn't been sick at ALL since, so looking back I know for sure that she was just car sick. But none of us knew that at the time, so thank you for being so nice and helpful without that knowledge. I really do appreciate it!
3: Hubs has been at a week-long self defense training this past week for work. This has meant that he's had to adjust his sleeping schedule to be awake during the day for training. So it's been a tough week for him. He's come home tired and sore from the physical exertion and flat out sleep deprivation. It hasn't been fun. But he's hung in there and now it's over and he's spending the weekend recuperating.
4: I transplanted my seedlings into paper cups. Hopefully soon we'll be able to put together my new garden beds and the weather will allow for them to be planted outside!
5: COMPUTER VIRUS ALERT! Don't worry, I won't give it to you. But thought I'd let you know that there's a pretty nasty one going around. It's not nasty in a hostile sense though, just in a "I can't get rid of this damn thing!" sense. Basically, once you have it you'll get these random pop-up ads no matter what site your visiting online. The goal is advertising, not stealing your identity or anything horrible like that... it's just super annoying and slows down your computer. You catch the virus via pop-up ad on some sites, I have no idea where I picked it up... but I got it when a little box that says "Spyware Scanner" popped up on my screen and I stupidly clicked the X in the upper right hand corner thinking that I'd be able to close it. When I did that, it infected my computer. So I thought I'd warn everyone, DO NOT CLICK ANYWHERE ON A BANNER AD!!! Instead when it pops up, right click down on the bottom of your screen and select close.
This darn virus is pretty prolific! Even my parents ended up with it. They took their computer in to a shop to get it fixed, and the guys at the shop have been totally inundated with computers with the same exact problem all week. It's a small shop with only a few guys working there, and they've had to dedicate one of their employees to just answering the phone because they're getting so many calls about it. So be careful out there in Internet land! And don't click on any pop-ups! Not even to close it!
Want to Change Your Life? Focus on How You Feel.
14 hours ago
Your child gets carsick..my girl dog gets car sick. Mr. H and I went into a restaurant for lunch on our trip home from AZ. I noticed something odd on the elbow of his sweater, but didn't actually think much of it until we got back to the pickup and saw the dog puke all over the center console. That was just before he took the pups out for a tinkle, stepped out of the pickup and into thick mud, slid down an embankment on his butt, dragging both dogs behind him. That was in Idaho, and he had a muddy bottom all the rest of the way to WA. And you think kids are embarrassing ;-)
Hi! Just wanted to come over and say thanks for stopping by my place! It's always great to see new faces and meet new friends!
Hope to see you back again!
I had no idea that white vinegar cuts the smell of puke...that's definitely a tip I will be using in the future!
I just transferred some of my seedlings to and I pray I didn't kill them in the process!! It didn't go as smoothly as I had hoped so we'll see.
I hope Ziva feels better soon! Oh and the Greek chicken pitas tasted even better the next day from the leftovers...maybe sitting in the seasoning in the fridge overnight helped.
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