I thought I'd take a break from Christmas... and MAN do I need a break!... to give the update everyone's been hoping for: the 18 Month Check Up.
So a grumpy-due-to-not-enough-sleep Hubby and I went to take the girls to their 18 month Dr. appointment. Word to the wise, if your hubby works nights like mine does it would be wise to schedule the appointment for late afternoon rather than 11am during his normal sleeping time. If you're not wise, then you'll be like me and drag a very sleep deprived grumpy hubby to your twin daughter's doctor appointment, a task which is about as much fun as getting a root canal.
I swear... I don't know who stressed me out more during this appointment. My screaming twin girls, or my Hubby. Although I suppose I will take some of the blame for that.
Anyway, we did find out that Anya is 22 lbs. and 32" tall, and Ziva is 20 lbs. and 31" tall. Which puts Anya at the 20th percentile for weight and 50th percentile for height, and puts Ziva at the 4th percentile for weight and 40th percentile for height. So of course the Dr. quized us on what we were feeding them and how much they eat, which we assured him was an astonishing quantity.
But we do have some concerns about their development. At this point they're "supposed" to have 20 words each, and they each have less than 5. Plus we have some concerns about Anya's fine motor skills. So we have a referral to Early Intervention and we're waiting to hear back from them to get an appointment to have the girls evaluated.
I'm really not worried, I know they're smart, I just feel like I need to learn how I can help them learn better.
So that's about it! :)
I promise another post about Christmas II tomorrow with pictures. :)
And then the day after that I'll post my recipe for Paprika Chicken.
Stay tuned!
Caffeine, Anxiety, and Anhedonia
5 days ago
David also hovers around 4th percentile, which I have had some mild angst about, but not too bad. The boys had pretty much no words at 18 mo and we started the EI process at 20 months. Now, at 22 months, they have about 10 "words," that are basically not intelligble. The first EI eval was about a month ago, the next one was supposed to be today, but the doctor canceled.
Glad to hear I'm not the only twin mommy in this situation. I've actually heard it's quite common for twins to be late talkers. So I'm not super worried at this point, but I want to do what I can to help them along. :)
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